# Installation Giterated is in very early development. These are best effort instructions on how setting up your own instance works. ## Requirements - Rust - nginx - postgresql ### Configuration The Giterated daemon requires a configuration file to function, it should be defined as follows: ``` [postgres] host = "" port = 5432 database = "DATABASE_NAME" user = "LOGIN_USERNAME" password = "LOGIN_PASSWORD" [giterated] instance = "YOUR_INSTANCE_PUBLIC_URL" [giterated.discovery] peers = [ # A list of instance URLs you're peering with for discovery ] [giterated.backend.git] root = "GIT_REPOSITORY_STORAGE_ROOT_DIRECTORY" [giterated.keys] private = "PRIVATE_KEY_LOCATION" public = "PUBLIC_KEY_LOCATION" ``` ### nginx setup Your Giterated public key must be served on `/.giterated/pubkey.pem`. Forward all other routes to your choice of frontend. ### Frontend Setup You may set up a frontend to allow access to your instance through a browser (you most likely want to do this). Currently the only supported frontend is the official `giterated-frontend` frontend. Eventually it'll be linked here, try https://giterated.dev/emilia/giterated-frontend.